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At the conclusion of each CCCC (Caring for Communities of Color Conference), our close-out will include the actionable goals and demands that different departments and individuals have committed to working on between then and the next CCCC. The hope is that this report will serve as an accountability measure, enable us to document our progress, establish lasting changes from the conference, and serve as an institutionalization of social justice as praxis.


The report will include:

  • A pre- and post-survey to quantify people’s existing perceptions of primary care and what was most impactful about the conference in terms of garnering interest in primary care and increasing understanding of serving communities of color 

  • Major takeaways and goals for the next year, both to follow-up on throughout the year and to report on/speak about at the next CCCC

  • Perceptions of working in primary care

  • Demographics of conference attendees, including breakdowns on:

    • Training level​

    • Geographical location

    • Race

    • Income background

    • Interest in primary care field

  • ​​Accessibility of mentorship from BIPOC and those in primary care

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